Autumn Birthday or Anniversary Cake
4 oz. (1 cup) self-raising flour, sifted
1 level teaspoon baking powder, sifted
4 oz. (1/2 cup) easy-cream margarine
4 oz. (1/2 cup) castor (granulated) sugar
2 large eggs
Chocolate Glace Fudge Icing
1 oz. (2 T) margarine
3 tablespoons (3 3/4 T) water
2 oz. (2 squares) plain (bitter) chocolate
6 oz. (1 cup) icing (confectioners') sugar, sifted
2 oz. (1/2 cup) blanched and chopped almonds
White Glace Icing
4 level tablespoons (5 T) sifted icing (confectioners') sugar
Few drops warm water
Pre-heat oven to moderate (350°F, Gas Mark 4). Brush an 8 in. sandwich tin (cake pan) with melted margarine and line the base with greased greaseproof (waxed) paper.
Place all cake ingredients into a bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until well mixed, about 3 minutes.
Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin (pan) and bake in the centre of the oven for 25-35 minutes or until well-risen, golden and firm. Leave in the tin (pan) for 5 minutes then turn out and cool on a wire (cake) rack. Place a leaf-shaped paper pattern on top of the cold cake and cut round to form a large leaf.
Chocolate Glace Fudge Icing: place the mar-garine, water and chocolate in a bowl standing over a saucepan of hot water. Leave until the chocolate has melted, stirring once or twice. Remove from heat, cool slightly, then beat in the sugar. Continue beating until the mixture is a coating consistency.
Pour over the cake and press the chopped almonds around the sides. Transfer to a cake board.
White Glace Icing: mix the sugar to a stiffish paste with warm water. With a writing tube and forcing bag, pipe lines on the cake to represent the veins of the leaf.